Project Brief

Duration: 4 years (2017-2020)

Donor: European Union and ADRA Germany

Implemented by: a consortium led by Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in conjunction with Relief International (RI), World Vision (WV), Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (CISP) and American Refugee Committee (ARC)

Project Location

South Central Somalia: Banadir, Galgaduud, Mudug, Bay, Bakool, Hiran, Gedo, Lower Shabelle, Middle Shabelle, Lower Juba and Hiran Regions.

Overall Objective

Expanded education and training opportunities, contributing to poverty reduction within a peaceful, secure and democratic Somalia.

Specific Objective

The project is specifically seeking to support the local government both at national and state levels to address its education priorities and inclusive education needs. It is expected to contribute to a conducive environment for returnees, IDPs, pastoralists and other groups to be re-integrated in the education system. Minority groups, children, women, persons with disability, girls and youth will be targeted for inclusive quality education and vocational training services, for them to participate in activities leading to poverty reduction, and a peaceful, secure and democratic Somalia.

Project Outcomes

Increased access to equitable and quality education for all age-groups;

Increased participation of youth and adults, including vulnerable groups in technical and vocational education and training;

Strengthened capacity of education institutions, administrations and systems.

Project Approaches

Project Steering Committee (PSC): MoECHE will be the key interlocutor for this grant. This will be constituted in line with the cooperation framework signed.

Project Management Committee (PMC): This committee will be tasked with direct management of the program activities.

Technical Working Groups (TWG): TWGs will provide technical input to implementation of activities and advice on areas of overlap. They will ensure that there is coordination of planned activities for joint implementation where appropriate.

Coordination :The action will work closely with other existing interventions and coordination mechanisms.

School-Based Management (SBM): In appreciation that SBM devolves more responsibilities to schools in terms of planning for school development, the action intends to strengthen school constituents (administrators, teachers, CECs, parents, learners and other community members) by giving them more control over what happens in their schools.

Building on lessons learnt: Consortium members have learnt lessons which will be integrated in the action to improve the outcomes. Quality improvement, investments in infrastructure, capacity building of the Ministries and monitoring of activities are some of the broad areas where learning from previous interventions will be applied for cost-effective delivery of the project result areas.

Disability mainstreaming and participatory disability audit of current approaches in Somalia: Handicap International (who are associate in this action) will work with the consortium to engage with the Somali government and communities to develop disability inclusive education systems in targeted regions.

Consultation as a prerequisite for setting relevant priorities, targets and workplans: Wide range consultations with all stakeholders (government ministries, TVET experts, schools management, private sector, international and national development agencies) will be carried out at all stages of project implementation.

Innovation and best practices: A mix of innovation and best practices will be included.

Promotion of Public Private Partnerships: Public Private Partnerships (PPP) will be instrumental in this program, especially in establishing a Vocational Qualifications Authority, Vocational Qualifications Framework and in building the quality of the TVET sub-sector to meet market needs.

Inculcating sustainability and local ownership of the programme at all levels: Participation in the programme must be active, free and meaningful. Success has been noted in increasing ownership through investment in the program at an accessible level.