Emergency Management

Providing immediate and integrated,multi-sectoral assistance in emergency situations

Our emergency management approach is to save lives and reduce suffering to disaster affected community, deliver coordinated and integrated emergency life saving interventions to affected communities and strengthen preparedness, mitigation and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) programs that benefit vulnerable households.
The initial interventions were in emergency and relief, but currently the interventions have expanded to include rehabilitation and development interventions in health, water, education, energy, agriculture, cash for work, food for work, distribution of Non-Food Items (NFI) and capacity building.
Strategic Aim
1. Save lives and reduce suffering of disaster affected.
2. Provide access and restitution of learning in emergency situations.
3. Apply disaster risk management mechanisms to protect livelihoods and reduce social and economic loses.


27,966 lives

In 2023, our Emergency sector impacted 27,966 lives through our emergency management interventions aimed at saving lives and reducing suffering to disaster affected communities.

Recent Projects

Action to Stem Hunger in Drought-Ravaged Somalia Project-2 (ASHID-2)

ASHID-2 Project

Aims to provide critical food assistance to 105 IDP's and host community households (630 individuals) in the Nugal region. The project will deliver monthly cash transfers of $80 per household for 10 months to meet urgent needs, while also conducting cholera prevention and control awareness campaigns in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. Additionally, the project will enhance community resilience through Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) training, aiming to reduce hunger and malnutrition, increase awareness of waterborne diseases, and promote gender equality in decision-making within the target communities.

The Food Assistance for Crisis-affected Communities in Jariiban district, Mudug Region Somalia (FACCIM)

FACCIM Project

This project aims to reduce hunger and malnutrition by providing eight months of food assistance to 891 of the most food-insecure households (7,128 people) in the targeted communities of Dhinowda Dhig Dhig, Dhnowda Goryowayn, Ilfoocshe, Kulub, and Garacad in Jariiban District. The project will deliver monthly cash transfers of USD 80 per household through a mobile money transfer mechanism. This initiative, running from August 1, 2024, to May 31, 2025, with a budget of CAD 987,765 (USD 726,062), seeks to alleviate food insecurity and improve the nutritional status of the affected populations.

The Lifesaving and Sustainable WASH Services to Crisis-affected Communities in Galkayo district (LISS) Project

LISS Project

This Project aims to provide emergency WASH services to 19,400 vulnerable individuals in Galkayo district. It focuses on rehabilitating water supply infrastructure, extending water pipelines, and improving sanitation facilities in health centers and IDP settlements. It includes hygiene campaigns and the distribution of hygiene kits.

The Innovative Durable Solutions for Displacement-affected Populations in Somalia project

IDSD Project

This project aims to support 5,286 displacement-affected individuals in Kismayu District, by improving living conditions, enhancing livelihoods, and strengthening protection systems. Key activities include constructing and rehabilitating shallow wells, training WASH committees, providing healthcare worker training, installing solar energy in MCH facilities, establishing VSLAs, and conducting peacebuilding campaigns. It focuses on marginalized groups, including women, youth, persons with disabilities, and minorities, aiming to reduce gender-based violence, exploitation, and abuse while promoting economic empowerment and social integration.