Somalia temporarily re-opened its schools in July to allow for candidates to sit for their examinations after schools were closed in March due to the coronavirus pandemic.

ADRA Somalia supported grade 8 and 12 candidates in Galmudug state who sat for their examination between 11th and 15th July 2020. In collaboration with the State’s Ministry of Education, ADRA through the Somalia Girls Education Promotion Project-Transition (SomGEP-T) and Strengthening Equity, Access, and Quality in Education Somalia (SEAQE II) projects funded by DFID and NORAD respectively, supported the candidates through provision of 2,500 face masks, 26 pieces of hand sanitizers and eight hand wash facilities.

The SomGEP-T project provided examination materials like pens to 60 children living with disabilities and vulnerable girls, provision of transport to 23 candidates who are physically impaired and accompanied by three female teachers to and from the examination centre as well as provision of 1000 face mask and 10 pieces of hand sanitizers. The SEAQE II project provided 8-foot pedal hand washing units, 1500 face masks and 16 pieces of hand sanitizers.

The candidates who sat for their exams in Galmudug state included 2,580 pupils (1,093 girls & 1,487 boys). In Mudug region 631 (284 girls & 347 boys) candidates sat for the exams out which 235 (117 girls & 118 boys) were from ADRA’s SOMGEP-T target schools.