For the past eight years, ADRA Somalia has been at the forefront of advocating for the rights and education of learners with disabilities through the transformative TOFI (Together for Inclusion) and SEAQE (Strengthening Equity, Access and Quality in Education) projects.

ADRA has spearheaded initiatives to bridge the educational gap for many learners with disability.  These efforts have seen learners from Beder School in Kismayo not only access education but also achieve significant milestones, including becoming the first students with disabilities to sit for the Class 8 National Primary Exam since the end of the civil war in Somalia.

Somalia’s education system has been fraught with challenges, particularly for students with educational needs stemming from disabilities. Barriers ranged from  lack of appropriate learning materials to the absence of trained sign language teachers capable of supporting these students which led to many children being denied the opportunity to learn simply because the system was not designed with their needs in mind.

ADRA Somalia’s TOFI and SEAQE projects aimed in addressing challenges facing learners or children with disabilities. Through ADRA Norway’s support, ADRA Somalia implemented these projects which has since created inclusive educational environments for all learners in Somalia.

ADRA has through all these years supported learners with disabilities in Beder School in Kismayo by providing access to learning materials which was suitable for these learners. ADRA has been providing Braille, books and audio materials among other needs that saw many children with disabilities considering education as their top goal.

Through these projects ADRA Somalia provided training for teachers to equip them with the proper skills needed to support learners with disabilities. We also witnessed teachers earning incentives which made easy for leaners to always get proper skilled teachers and earn knowledge. ADRA’s engagement with the community has also foster an inclusive atmosphere and gave ADRA the opportunity to raise awareness with local leaders about the rights of children with disabilities and the importance of inclusive education.

According to Farhan Hassan, ADRA’s Senior Project Officer, “The goal was to ensure that no child was left behind since education is a fundamental right and ADRA are committed to breaking down barriers that prevent learners with disabilities from accessing quality education.”

The support from ADRA not only equipped these learners with the necessary skills to succeed but also instilled a sense of belonging and confidence in their abilities. The teachers, trained in inclusive education practices, became role models and advocates, fostering an environment where each learner felt valued.

Girls in class using sign language to learn

The impact of these projects was felt at Beder School in Kismayo which provided these learners with a nurturing environment to excel. Many of these students who were sidelined by misconceptions and society norms about their abilities began to succeed academically and this success was best exemplified by their recent achievement passing the Class 8 National Primary Exam. This milestone marked a historic moment, not only for the learners but for the entire educational landscape of Somalia.

“The success of our learners in the national exam is a monumental step forward for education in Somalia,” remarked Mohamud Abdullahi, Beder School Principal. “It proves that with the right resources and support, learners with disabilities can achieve remarkable success.”

“This is just the beginning, the success we have seen at Beder School shows us that when we invest in inclusive education, we are investing in the future of our nation. We must continue to push for changes in policy and practice to ensure that all learners can access the education they deserve.” Added Farhan Hassan

The learners with disabilities at Beder School have shown the World that it is possible to rise with proper inclusive education in place. Their success in sitting for the Class 8 National Primary Exam not only marks a significant milestone but also serves as a powerful narrative of resilience, hope, and the potential that lies within every child.